NERvDN Library
NERvLibrary - Nerve Gear Developer Network
NERvGear Namespace Reference

Namespace NERvGear. More...


 Namespace NERvGear::Audio.
 Predefined component catalogs.
 Namespace NERvGear::DATA.
 Namespace NERvGear::Desktop.
 Namespace NERvGear::ENCODING.
 Namespace NERvGear::ETC.
 Namespace NERvGear::EXEC.
 Namespace NERvGear::Graphic.
 Namespace NERvGear::Interpolator.
 Namespace NERvGear::LOG.
 Namespace NERvGear::Network.
 Namespace NERvGear::Security.
 Namespace NERvGear::SOUND.
 Namespace NERvGear::System.
 Namespace NERvGear::TASK.
 Namespace NERvGear::Video.


class  AggregateT
class  CActionFilter
 Filters actions to be executed. More...
class  CActionListener
 Get notified when executing an action. More...
class  CDataSource
 A data source for varieties data. More...
class  CommandEvent
class  ContextMenuEvent
class  CPlugin
 Nerve Gear Plug-in. More...
class  CUnknown
 The base of all components. More...
class  DataUpdateEvent
class  EnableEvent
class  Event
class  FocusEvent
struct  IClassFactory
 Reimplementation of standard IClassFactory COM interface. More...
struct  IData
 Nerve Gear data interface. More...
struct  IDataObject
 Reimplementation of standard IDataObject COM interface. More...
struct  IDataSource
 Nerve Gear data source interface. More...
struct  IDropSource
 Reimplementation of standard IDropSource COM interface. More...
struct  IDropTarget
 Reimplementation of standard IDropTarget COM interface. More...
struct  IEnumFORMATETC
 Reimplementation of standard IEnumFORMATETC COM interface. More...
struct  IEventHandler
 Nerve Gear event handler interface. More...
struct  IExecute
 Nerve Gear execution interface. More...
struct  IMessageHandler
 Nerve Gear message handler interface. More...
class  ImplT
class  InnerT
struct  IObjectFactory
 Nerve Gear object factory interface. More...
struct  IPlugin
 Nerve Gear plug-in interface. More...
struct  IPrivateUnknown
 Treat as an IUnknown interface for aggregation. More...
struct  IRunnable
 Nerve Gear runnable interface. More...
struct  IUnknown
 Reimplementation of standard IUnknown COM interface. More...
struct  MODULE
class  MouseEvent
class  MoveEvent
class  ObjectBaseT
class  ObjectFactoryBase
class  ObjectFactoryT
class  ObjectFactoryT< T, false >
class  ObjectFactoryT< T, true >
class  ObjectT
class  ObjectT< T, false >
class  ObjectT< T, true >
class  ODataSource
 Nerve Gear data source implementation. More...
class  OPlugin
 Each object inherits from NERvGear::OPlugin represents a plug-in. More...
class  OUnknown
 The base of all objects. More...
class  PaintEvent
class  PluginImpl
class  ScrollEvent
class  ShowEvent
class  SizeEvent
class  TaskQueueEvent
class  TimerEvent
union  UID
 NERvGear GUID UUID CLSID IID re-implementation. More...
class  UnknownImpl
struct  VERSION


typedef uint32_t wparam_t
typedef int32_t lparam_t


enum  {
  S_OK = 0x00000000L, S_FALSE = 0x00000001L, E_UNEXPECTED = 0x8000FFFFL, E_NOTIMPL = 0x80004001L,
  E_NOINTERFACE = 0x80004002L, E_POINTER = 0x80004003L, E_ABORT = 0x80004004L, E_FAIL = 0x80004005L,
  E_PENDING = 0x8000000AL, E_ACCESSDENIED = 0x80070005L, E_HANDLE = 0x80070006L, E_OUTOFMEMORY = 0x8007000EL,
  E_INVALIDARG = 0x80070057L, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION = 0x80040110L
enum  { E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = (( 0x80000000 | 0x00040200L) + (0xFFFF & 1 )), E_OBJECT_DUPLICATED = (( 0x80000000 | 0x00040200L) + (0xFFFF & 2 )) }


static bool operator== (const UID &a, const UID &b)
static bool operator!= (const UID &a, const UID &b)
 __declspec (dllimport) const UID NVG_ID_NULL
long __cdecl NERv1Balloon (const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *msg)
long __cdecl NERv1Notify (INotification *notify)
const wchar_t *__cdecl NERv1GetModulePath (MODULE *module)
IPlugin *__cdecl NERv1PluginInstance (MODULE *module)
EVT::TYPE __cdecl NERv1RegisterEvent (const UID &id, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1BindEvent (IEventHandler *handler, EVT::TYPE type, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1UnbindEvent (IEventHandler *handler, EVT::TYPE type, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1ProcessEvent (IEventHandler *handler, Event &event, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1QueueEvent (IEventHandler *handler, Event *event, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1QueueTask (IRunnable *task, IEventHandler *handler, IUnknown *userdata, TASK::TYPE type, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1Execute (UI::IWindow *window, const wchar_t *cmd, const wchar_t *param, const wchar_t *cwd, EXEC::TYPE type, long option, MODULE *module)
void __cdecl NERvTraceObject (MODULE *refModule, const UID &objectID, int n)
long __cdecl NERv1CreateObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID, const UID &interfaceID, IUnknown *unknownOuter, void **ppvObject, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1RegisterObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID, IObjectFactory *objectFactory, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1UnregisterObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID, MODULE *module)
long __cdecl NERv1Sound (const wchar_t *path, SOUND::TYPE sound)
size_t __cdecl NERv1Translation (const wchar_t *catalog, const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst, MODULE *module)
static void PrivateCopyCharArray (size_t nChar, const wchar_t *src, wchar_t *dst)
static size_t PrivateCopyString (const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
template<class T >
static long PrivateCreateInstance (MODULE *refModule, const UID &interfaceID, void **ppvObject, T *&ppt)
template<class T >
static long PrivateCreateInstance (MODULE *refModule, IUnknown *unknownOuter, const UID &interfaceID, void **ppvObject, T *&ppt)
static UI::Window * NERvCreateWindow (UI::Window *parent, const UI::PixelPoint &pos, const UI::PixelSize &sz, const wchar_t *name=0)
static UI::View * NERvCreateView (const UI::PixelRect &rc, const wchar_t *name=0, int id=-1, IUnknown **outer=0)
static UI::Canvas * NERvCreateCanvas (const UI::PixelSize &sz)
static UI::Animator * NERvCreateAnimator (UI::IAnimateListener *listener=0)
static UI::Font * NERvCreateFont (const wchar_t *path, long nface=0)
static bool operator== (const VERSION &a, const VERSION &b)
static bool operator!= (const VERSION &a, const VERSION &b)
template<class T >
static unsigned long NERvDestroy (T *&object)
 Destroy an object and nulls the pointer. More...
template<class T >
static unsigned long NERvRelease (T *&object)
 Release an object and nulls the pointer. More...
template<class T >
static T NERvMin (T a, T b)
 Computes the minimum of a and b.
template<class T >
static T NERvMax (T a, T b)
 Computes the maximum of a and b.
void __cdecl NERvLogMessage (LOG::LEVEL level, const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs a message with tag at specified level. More...
void __cdecl NERvLogMessageV (LOG::LEVEL level, const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format, va_list argptr)
 This is an overloaded version of NERvLogMessage(), please see its documentation for general information. More...
static void NERvLogError (const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs an error message with tag. More...
static void NERvLogWarn (const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs a warning message with tag. More...
static void NERvLogInfo (const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs an information message with tag. More...
static void NERvLogDebug (const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs a debug message with tag. More...
static void NERvLogVerbose (const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *format,...)
 Logs a verbose message with tag. More...
static long NERvBalloon (const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *msg)
 Shows a balloon notification closed to the task bar icon. More...
static long NERvNotify (INotification *notify)
 Pops up an icon to notify user. More...
static const wchar_t * NERvGetModulePath ()
 Retrieves the plug-in path of current module. More...
static IPluginNERvPluginInstance ()
 Retrieves the plug-in instance of current module. More...
static long NERvBindEvent (IEventHandler *handler, EVT::TYPE type)
 Registers the event handler to process a type of events. More...
static long NERvUnbindEvent (IEventHandler *handler, EVT::TYPE type)
 Unregisters the event handler. More...
static long NERvProcessEvent (IEventHandler *handler, Event &event)
 Sends an event to the event handler or handlers. More...
static long NERvQueueEvent (IEventHandler *handler, Event *event)
 Post an event in the event queue of main thread. More...
static long NERvQueueTask (IRunnable *task, IEventHandler *handler, IUnknown *userdata, TASK::TYPE type)
 Queues a task to a worker thread in the thread pool. More...
static long NERvExecute (UI::IWindow *window, const wchar_t *cmd, const wchar_t *param, const wchar_t *cwd, EXEC::TYPE type, long option)
 Executes an action. More...
static long NERvCreateObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID, const UID &interfaceID, IUnknown *outer, void **object)
 Find and create an object instance of specified component. More...
static long NERvRegisterObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID, IObjectFactory *factory)
 Register an object to the component object database. More...
static long NERvUnregisterObject (const UID &classID, const UID &objectID)
 Unregister an object from the component object database. More...
static long NERvSound (const wchar_t *path, SOUND::TYPE sound)
static size_t NERvTranslation (const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
 Finds the translation for a string and copy it to the destination buffer. More...
static size_t NERvStringLength (const wchar_t *src)
 Counts the length of a string. More...
static size_t NERvCopyCharArray (size_t nCharSrc, const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
 Copies a char array to the destination buffer. More...
static size_t NERvCopyString (size_t nCharSrc, const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
 Copies a null-terminated string to the destination buffer. More...
static size_t NERvCopyString (const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
 This is an overloaded version of NERvCopyString(size_t, const wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t*), please see its documentation for general information. More...
static size_t NERvCopyStringDoubleNull (size_t nCharSrc, const wchar_t *src, size_t nCharDst, wchar_t *dst)
 Copies a double-null-terminated string to the destination buffer. More...
template<size_t N_CHAR>
static size_t NERvCopyCharArray (const wchar_t(&src)[N_CHAR], size_t nChar, wchar_t *dst)
 This is an overloaded version of NERvCopyCharArray(size_t, const wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t*), please see its documentation for general information. More...
template<size_t N_CHAR>
static size_t NERvCopyString (const wchar_t(&src)[N_CHAR], size_t nChar, wchar_t *dst)
 This is an overloaded version of NERvCopyString(size_t, const wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t*), please see its documentation for general information. More...
template<size_t N_CHAR>
static size_t NERvCopyStringDoubleNull (const wchar_t(&src)[N_CHAR], size_t nChar, wchar_t *dst)
 This is an overloaded version of NERvCopyStringDoubleNull(size_t, const wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t*), please see its documentation for general information. More...
VERSION __cdecl NERvVerCodeCore ()
 Retrieves core(NERvGear) version code. More...
const wchar_t *__cdecl NERvVerNameCore ()
 Retrieves core(NERvGear) version name string. More...
const wchar_t *__cdecl NERvGetCoreName ()
 Retrieves core(NERvGear) name string. More...
VERSION __cdecl NERvVerCodeHost ()
 Retrieves host program version code. More...
const wchar_t *__cdecl NERvVerNameHost ()
 Retrieves host program version name string. More...
const wchar_t *__cdecl NERvGetHostName ()
 Retrieves host program name string. More...


const UID NVG_ID_CActionFilter
static const UIDID_CActionFilter = NVG_ID_CActionFilter
const UID NVG_ID_CActionListener
static const UIDID_CActionListener = NVG_ID_CActionListener
const UID NVG_ID_CDataSource
static const UIDID_CDataSource = NVG_ID_CDataSource
const UID NVG_ID_CPlugin
static const UIDID_CPlugin = NVG_ID_CPlugin
static const UIDID_NULL = NVG_ID_NULL
const UID NVG_ID_IClassFactory
static const UIDID_IClassFactory = NVG_ID_IClassFactory
const UID NVG_ID_IData
static const UIDID_IData = NVG_ID_IData
 "IData" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IDataObject
static const UIDID_IDataObject = NVG_ID_IDataObject
const UID NVG_ID_IDataSource
static const UIDID_IDataSource = NVG_ID_IDataSource
 "IDataSource" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IDropSource
static const UIDID_IDropSource = NVG_ID_IDropSource
const UID NVG_ID_IDropTarget
static const UIDID_IDropTarget = NVG_ID_IDropTarget
const UID NVG_ID_IEventHandler
static const UIDID_IEventHandler = NVG_ID_IEventHandler
 "IEventHandler" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IExecute
static const UIDID_IExecute = NVG_ID_IExecute
const UID NVG_ID_IMessageHandler
static const UIDID_IMessageHandler = NVG_ID_IMessageHandler
 "IMessageHandler" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IObjectFactory
static const UIDID_IObjectFactory = NVG_ID_IObjectFactory
 "IObjectFactory" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IPlugin
static const UIDID_IPlugin = NVG_ID_IPlugin
 "IPlugin" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IRunnable
static const UIDID_IRunnable = NVG_ID_IRunnable
 "IRunnable" version 1
const UID NVG_ID_IUnknown
static const UIDID_IUnknown = NVG_ID_IUnknown
const UID NVG_ID_ODataSource
static const UIDID_ODataSource = NVG_ID_ODataSource
 "ODataSource" version 1

Detailed Description

Namespace NERvGear.