NERvDN Library
NERvLibrary - Nerve Gear Developer Network
Standard COM Interfaces

Interfaces defined by Microsoft. You can also find the documents for these interfaces at MSDN Library - Interfaces (COM). More...


struct  NERvGear::IClassFactory
 Reimplementation of standard IClassFactory COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IDataObject
 Reimplementation of standard IDataObject COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IDropSource
 Reimplementation of standard IDropSource COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IDropTarget
 Reimplementation of standard IDropTarget COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IEnumFORMATETC
 Reimplementation of standard IEnumFORMATETC COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IUnknown
 Reimplementation of standard IUnknown COM interface. More...
struct  NERvGear::IPrivateUnknown
 Treat as an IUnknown interface for aggregation. More...

Detailed Description

Interfaces defined by Microsoft. You can also find the documents for these interfaces at MSDN Library - Interfaces (COM).